The “Street Angel Project” and “Mindset-workshops” has been developed by Founder & CEO Shirley Gordon, who has a passion for helping others. SAP will also partner with other community organizations and combine resources to bring you the Street Angel Project.

Shirley Gordon former President of Talented Office Professional Virtual Assistants LLC; and who authored her first book “The Fall and Rise of a Street Angel” in 2013.

Ms. Gordon a certified Addiction Counselor and Mental Health Technician started her career working at District of Columbia Washington Hospital Center in the department of psychiatry. Ms. Gordon realized her passion was just beginning in the late 90's.

SAP's primary focus is to establish a relationship and assist individuals and families in need of our services to build healthier lives

Street Angel Project, Inc. primary targets of focus are youth and adults considered at-risk and low-income; who are seeking resources and services for homelessness, addiction, abuse, education, employment, and life-skills, etc.

SAP will service all races and ethnicity regardless of socio-economic.